God’s Army Survival Training is not a military, militia, or political organization. We believe and strictly adhere to Romans 13:1-7 of God’s Word.All information, techniques, and tactics on this website are for information only. All local, regional, national, and international laws should be obeyed for all training, self-defense, and survival. We do not condone any immoral, unethical, or illegal activity in association with the content of this website.
The purpose of this website, and any material produced by God's Army Survival Training, is to turn weak "Christian civilians" into strong "Christian soldiers," physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and to make strong Christian soldiers even stronger. Thus, our motto WEAK MADE STRONG. We do this by obeying the Operations Orders (OPORD) given to us by our Commander In Chief, God, who states:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:11
If you are a believer who has put on, or are in the process of putting on, the "full combat gear of God," (in today's vernacular) the objective is to become well trained and then stand (take your position) on the front lines of this "war" that is raging. That is to say, do not give into the wickedness and violence filling the earth that Jesus warned all of us about as we get closer to "the final days," and proclaim the truth to a lost and dying world.
If you are not saved (meaning that you have not repented of your sins and asked Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior so you will not be thrown into Hell on Judgement Day), you are also welcome to this website as our guest. You may not want to hear about God's love for you, which is your free will choice and fine by us, but you will definitely be needing a lot of the information on this website about self-defense and survival as the violence on the earth gets worse and worse (Matthew 24 and the entire book of Revelation in the New Testament); especially when the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) takes place and you are here for the Great Tribulation (that's really going to suck, but stay alive as long as you can).
Yes, we know. This all sounds so crazy! But, you also know, because you sense it, that some really strange things are happing in the world today. A part of you wants to know "What's happening? What's going to happen? What's live really all about? Especially as the world is being so unstable." Well, if you are asking yourself these questions, or if the Bible is really true, then answer this question, "Are the Jews back in the land of Israel?"
It's not a trick question. YES or NO?
Of course, they are. They declared themselves a nation on May 14, 1948, and the proof of their existence (in case you have not been there yourself) is that there have been more United Nations resolutions against the State of Israel than the rest of the world's nations combined. The world knows that they are there, and most hate this tiny nation of only 9.4 million people. This means that the Bible was 100% right in predicting that the Jews would be dispersed to the "four corners of the world," which the Roman Empire did in 70 A.D., and they'd be "dead" as a nation for a very long time (is 2,000 years long enough to qualify as being dead?) until God would once again bring them back into the land He had promised them - forever. Read chapters 36 and 37 of the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. It's all in there.
Now, if the nation of Israel is real, then you can be certain that all of the Bible is also true: God created everything in six literally days almost 6,000 years ago (yes there were dinosaurs roaming around at the same time as men on the earth), Adam and Eve in the garden, a global flood that covered the entire earth and Noah's family on an ark survived (why are there sea fossils on Mount Everest?), the Tower of Babel and man going from a single language to over 7,000 languages (any good linguist will tell you they don't know why there are so many languages if humans "evolved" from apes), good and evil, angels, the devil and demons, Judgement Day, and heaven and hell - all of it.